
Direct, resumable, cloud storage uploads

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Simple Scalability.

The Condo rails plugin was designed to simplify the process of uploading files to cloud storage providers in a scalable manner. It avoids the pitfalls of large file uploads that would otherwise pass-through an application instance or the need for a third party service.

See: for integration details

Example App


Ruby and Angular2

Condo utilises the features of Ruby 2+ (compatible Rubies), Rails 4.x and the client side MVC of Angular2


Condo only works with browsers that support XMLHttpRequest Level 2

We like it this way.

Cloud Storage

We are building drivers for providers that

  1. Have a RESTful API
  2. Support CORS

Resumable and parallel upload support is available for:

Resumable support is available for:

Support or Contact

The Condo project is being sponsored by the awesome people at CoTag Media feel free to contact us